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Kagisano Educational & Youth Development Foundation (known as Kagisano Foundation) is a registered non-profit organisation with the registration number 150-928NPO. The organisation was founded in 2015 by Koketso Lediga (and a few friends) with the mission of empowering learners from townships in South Africa to ensure that they have a bright future.

The name Kagisano means “to build each other”, and we are committed to  living up to the name.


South Africa's education system
is in a crisis

Most of the children attending South African schools fare poorly on almost every metric, and are ill-prepared for the world after school. More tragically, those who suffer the most from poor schooling are disproportionately black children.

Here are a few facts;

  • South Africa spends more on education than most advanced economies such as the United States and the United Kingdom, yet its primary education system was rated 126th out of 138 countries in the World Economic Forum 2016-2017 Global Competitiveness Report.
  • According to the Progress in International Reading and Literacy Study 2016 almost 8 out of 10 grade 4 pupils in South Africa cannot read.
  • 50% of children do not make it to Grade 12 (which is approximately half a million learners each year)

Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.” We, at Kagisano Foundation like Nelson Mandela believe in the power of education. As a result, we are committed to playing our part, however small, to plugging the holes in ship  that is South Africa’s education system to make sure it does not sink and to unleash the potential and the success embedded in the youth.


The provision of educational tools, resources and opportunities.

The improvement of reading and computer skills.

The promotion of a culture of reading for leisure.

To increase the literacy rate in South African learners.


Empower a Child, Transform a Future

As a non-profit making organisation, we  fully rely on financial assistance of third parties. Our donors include, Koketso Lediga, Infra-Afrika Advisory and a few advocates from the Johannesburg Bar.

We accept donations that will enable us to continue empowering learners. If you wish to assist you can go here to see more about donations.